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Mixed Competitions Committee.

At the beginning of each year a Mixed Competitions Committee (MCC) will be appointed by the Ladies/Men’s committees. This sub-committee will consist of at least 3 ordinary members, and they will have the authority to act as a Referee in all matters vis-à-vis mixed competitions. If a member of the MCC is not readily available, the General Manager has the authority to act as Referee on their behalf. In either case the decision of the Referee is final and binding.

The current 2024 MCC are Rhona Darcy, Ray Martin and Marian Judge.

 The Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Committee, in addition to local rules as made and published by the Ladies/Men’s Golf Committees, shall apply to all competitions. 

The Mixed Committee may publish additional Terms of Competition or alter/waive any clause in these general rules for any competition by prior notice to the membership. 

A mixed pair (team) shall comprise of one male member and one female member. Only members of the Full, Associate and Young Adult membership categories may enter. However, a limited number of mixed competitions may be nominated to allow for participation by student members.*

To be eligible to win 1st prize in any mixed competition, competitors must have at least 12 scores in their Golf Ireland scoring record.

A competitor may play in both a Men’s / Ladies Golf and a mixed competition held on the same day without penalty, provided that the player has completed his round in the Men’s/ Ladies Golf competition, before commencing play in the mixed event. 

The following events comprise the Mixed Competitions in EGC. 

1. Maxwell Walters Cup.

1)     Format. Scotch Foursomes Strokes.
2)     Men’s Pars and Indices to be used.
3)     Men play off white tees of the day. Ladies play off red tees of the day.

2. Sol White Cup.

1)     Format. Semi-Open Scotch Foursomes Strokes.
2)     Men’s Pars and Indices to be used.
3)     Men play off white tees of the day. Ladies play off red tees of the day.

3. Molins’ Cup.

1)     Format. Fourball Betterball Stableford.
2)     Men and Ladies play off their respective Pars and Indices.
3)     Men play off white tees of the day. Ladies play off red tees of the day.

4. Abe Wine Cup.

1)     Format. Scotch Foursomes Strokes.
2)     Men’s Pars and Indices to be used.
3)     Men play off white tees of the day. Ladies play off red tees of the day.

5. Mixed & Married.

1)     Format. Scotch Foursomes Strokes.
2)     Men’s Pars and Indices to be used.
3)     Men play off white tees of the day. Ladies play off red tees of the day.

5a. A. O. White Plate

1)     Only Married couples playing together may win the White Plate and runner up prizes.
2)     Married couples must play together in the White Plate if both are playing in the combined competition.

5b. Gladys Factor Cup

1)     Only Mixed (non-married) pairs are eligible to win the Gladys Factor Cup and runner up prizes.

6 a. Simon Jacobson Cup. (Qualifier).  

1) Format: Foursomes Strokes.

2) Each player must have at least 12 counting scores in their handicap record to enter.

3) Men’s Pars and Indices to be used.

4) Men tee off on the uneven numbered holes, Ladies tee off on the even numbered holes.

5) Men play off white tees of the day. Ladies play off red tees of the day.

6) 15 leading pairs qualify for match play plus the holders only if they enter the competition as a pair. If the         holders do not enter as a pair, then the 16 leading pairs qualify.

7) The match play random draw will take place immediately after the Qualifier results are declared.   

6 b. Simon Jacobsen Cup. (Matchplay).

1)     Format. Foursomes Matchplay.
2)     Men’s Pars and Indices to be used.
3)     Men tee off on the uneven numbered holes, Ladies tee off on the even numbered holes.
4)     Handicaps. Half the difference between the aggregate course handicaps of each team will apply.
5)     Men play off fixed white posts. Ladies play off fixed red posts.
6)     Play off your current handicap throughout the competition.
7)     The MCC will post a play-by date for each round of matches. All matches must be decided by the ‘play-by’ date. No extensions will be granted, except in extreme circumstances and with the authority of the MCC.
8)     Matches should be arranged as early as possible to avoid last minute, unforeseen difficulties and all players are equally responsible for ensuring the result is posted by the play-by date.
9)    In the event of a match reaching no result after the stipulated holes and the competitors cannot agree on a tie breaking method, the match must be decided by a sudden-death play-off starting at the 1st hole. 
10)   Results of ties should be posted, by the winner, on the published draw sheet and on the computer.
11)   If a match cannot be completed by the play-by date, then the MCC would expect that a concession should be afforded to the party(s) who offered most ‘play dates’ over the play-by period. If this cannot be agreed then a ‘coin-toss’ should decide the winner.
12)   In the event of a result not being posted by the play-by date, the Competitions Committee will disqualify both parties. However the Committee can decide the tie in favour of one party if, by the play by date, they are aware of equitable reasons for doing so e.g.

a) Injury to one of the parties.

b) Non-availability of one of the parties over an extended period.

* Students playing in mixed competitions must play with an “adult” family full member only. Boys  must have a handicap index of 19.9 or lower. Girls must have a handicap index of 39.9 or lower.

Mixed Competitions Committee

11th March 2024